A Low Elo Guide to League of Legends by Kaptain Kaster
League of legends is a world renowned game with millions of players in its player base. We all start out the same; confused and fumbling trying to understand the idea of a moba, items and specific champion abilities and its always a journey. There so much to learn and after you start improving even a little its an incredibly rewarding feeling. We get a little confident after we win some games and decide to take on the monster that is ranked, and a lot of us get stuck at the very bottom. We get frustrated and don’t understand why. More times than not we blame the people around us and League of Legends has become known as a toxic community because of it. I've been playing this game for a good four years, and have got 4k (ranked and normals) games under my belt and I've learned a lot. This guide is a general outline for climbing ranked solo q based on all the information I've gathered from the countless and sometimes misleading resources about League of Legends. My genuine hope is to relieve some of the pressure knowing how much time and energy this game takes. I hope I can save you some stress and help you see the big picture.
Efficiency and average of games
So before anything
in game specific I want to address some broad mindset stuff like an average of games. I
see it all the time in bronze/silver tier and I've even done it myself for a
while. You play one or two ranked games and unfortunate things happen and you
quit playing ranked for months. We focus on specific games and performances
rather than our own growth,
so we tilt and never get to experience real improvement and don’t understand
why. Any coach or higher elo player will be confused that your actually trying
to rank up if you only have 50 ranked games(even if you have 200 that's still
not a lot). Everything I'm about to tell you is to increase efficiency if you
discipline yourself and strive to achieve efficiency then even if the results aren't
immediately apparent, over
a large average of games you'll become more consistent and show improvement overall
and eventually start gaining momentum on the ranked ladder. So don’t focus on
that one bad game that you had a Aatrox that fed. Focus on yourself, your
awareness, and your stats. This is one of the hardest and most healthy ideas to
get your head around.
Champion Pool
There's a strange
stigma in low levels of gaming on "low skillcap" characters. In any
game that’s competitive there's someone bashing another player for using a
"no skill" or "braindead" character. So in League newer
players are scared off of playing easier and more efficient champions. This is
really bad because if your climbing why would you ever make your job harder? I
also understand if you just like a certain champion but if your not willing to
do what's best then your not serious about climbing and your not good for the
player base. There's so much to pay attention to in league. The big picture
objectives and the moment to moment decisions so there is nothing to gain from
putting yourself or your team at risk by playing something you have a higher
chance of failing on. You'll
be so focused on the champion specific mechanics that you won't be effectively learning them or
the core mechanics of the game itself.
This is a tier list
especially made for climbing in ranked by LS or Last Shadow whom is a valuable resource for this game. He even explains why these picks are
good and what kind of play they promote.
The art of "Dodging"
We all know lower
elo can be a chaotic place and even if someone knows their and your rank
is on the line they will feel content in picking Teemo top in your promo
because "they promise they're a good Teemo". The idea that you can
"win with anything in low elo" is misleading because while
technically yes it is possible but YOU as a player trying to improve, and/or climb the ranked ladder
are trying your best to increase your chances of having a stable game.
Luckily in case you didn’t know it only cost 3lp and five minutes of your time
to save yourself from that headache altogether. Second dodge is 10lp and 25
minutes. If you dodge during a promo it counts as a loss. However the kicker
here is that you don’t lose MMR and MMR is many times more
important than lp. Your MMR or "matchmaking rating" is the
value that determines who you get on your team in a ranked game. Higher MMR
means better players and better chances at gaining momentum and winning games.
So if you see something that’s really a death sentence in champ select just X
out and go grab a snack or a nice warm drink, take a deep breath and maybe toss
some of either into a lit hearth to Tyche.
The "Carry Mentality" and
"Going Even"
There's this idea
that's been passed down by more skilled mid-higher tier players to the lower
tier players that in lower elo you can just play high damage and carry the
game. This is true for someone who belongs in a high rank, not the thousands of
player who actively inhabit the lower tiers. Players with this kind of "carry
mentality" tend to be unstable because of the amount of pressure they
place on themselves and are just that much more likely to tilt. Please
don’t do this to yourself, not for anyone else but the sake of your own sanity.
Going even is the first goal you should have especially in the laning roles
(adc, mid, top) because what your trying to emphasize on is your ability to
identify and punish mistakes by your opponent. Even though its true that you
can in fact do well and carry, it almost entirely relies on things that are out
of your control which makes them suboptimal and less likely to work over your
average of games. It's like gambling you have a chance to hit the jackpot but
in the end the house always wins.
Being patient is one
of the hardest things to do in league of legends because the idea of
"being patient" in league of legends is somewhat obscure and depends
on the situation. A
lack of patience can however lead you to take risks and make mistakes that you
don’t ever need to make. For example: if your side of the map has waves
pushing into it and jungle camps up, why would you ever go face check a cloud
drake? In a broader sense cs
is everything, and the amount of resources that are simply left on the
table in low elo games is astonishing sometimes. Even if your already winning
how does more gold and experience in a game hurt you? Even when there are
objectives like important drakes, rift herald or baron on the map they should
all be pathed to and approached in an opportunistic manor (i.e. the enemy
jungler dying or being on the opposing side of the map or when your team
controls the side with vision and tower pressure).
"The Second Torch"
If your ever losing
or in a situation where you don’t know how to close the game there's a rule of
thumb that will help you keep getting cs and more importantly
give you less of a chance to make the mistakes that will make you lose.
In the lane there are torches on the walls and the second one in mid lane marks the limit of where you should go because all that matters if your losing (and to be honest if your winning too) is gold, so you cs your lanes and jungle while protecting your base. The idea is to stabilize the game while keeping your gold income steady, and wait for the enemy team to come to your side to fight. In this way you'll wait for the enemy team to "hang themselves". By fighting on the side of the map you control where they'll likely make mistakes you can capitalize on, eventually letting you just push for game.
The big picture here is that you want to manipulate as much of the game as you can while staying focused on yourself and your own growth. I hope these ideas will help you on your way to becoming a better player and more importantly helps relieve some of the mental stress that comes from dedicating the time that it takes to play this game. And remember you cant win them all but you can reflect and be better next time. Gl Hf in your games guys.
P.S. if you want to expand on these ideas and learn role specific stuff i recommend ls because he's blunt, factual and entertaining.
Ls YoutubeLs Twitch
Also pro builds if your picking up something new and don't know the build path.
Oh and my op.gg so that you can see that this advice works.
Kaptain Kaster
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