A Low Elo Guide to League of Legends by Kaptain Kaster
League of legends is a world renowned game with millions of players in its player base. We all start out the same; confused and fumbling trying to understand the idea of a moba, items and specific champion abilities and its always a journey. There so much to learn and after you start improving even a little its an incredibly rewarding feeling. We get a little confident after we win some games and decide to take on the monster that is ranked, and a lot of us get stuck at the very bottom. We get frustrated and don’t understand why. More times than not we blame the people around us and League of Legends has become known as a toxic community because of it. I've been playing this game for a good four years, and have got 4k (ranked and normals) games under my belt and I've learned a lot. This guide is a general outline for climbing ranked solo q based on all the information I've gathered from the countless and sometimes misleading resources about League of Legends. My genui...